Belated launch of our collaboration with Charley’s Chocolate

To celebrate the belated launch of our collaboration with Charley’s Chocolate, we would love to offer you free shipping on any order that includes one or more of our Mission Beach Australian grown chocolate bars. Simply use code MISSIONBEACH at the checkout when purchasing any order which includes a bar.

The past 12 months have been filled with significant personal milestones for the team at The Husk Mill with the birth of my daughter Mila and Cherylea’s announcement of her pregnancy. Amongst all the great news we didn’t even have the chance to announce the development of our new Australian grown chocolate!

For those of you who frequent our site on a regular basis, you may have noticed the introduction of a chocolate bar, our Mission Beach blend. It is a single origin 70% cacao bar that is entirely dairy free.

What you may not know, however, is how special this bar is. Made in collaboration with one of our favourite husk farmers Chris Jahnke at Charley’s Chocolate, it has been created under very unique circumstances.

Chris Jahnke and his wife Lynn have been growing cocoa since the early 2000’s in Mission Beach, Far North Queensland. Chris and Lynn took a huge financial gamble and decided to go against the popular choice to grow bananas or sugar cane as the location of the farm fell within 15 degrees of the equator, making it conducive to grow cocoa.

The pair learned the traditional method of making small batch, single origin dark chocolate and developed what is one of the extremely few tree-to-bar experiences in the world.  The chocolates they were making were literally the fruit of the cocoa trees they had planted themselves!

During one of our visits to the plantation we tried Chris’ chocolate range and were blown away. We knew the pair had received Gold at the 2016 Melbourne Fine Food Festival, so when we tentatively asked if The Husk Mill could collaborate with Charley’s we were so shocked to receive a resounding YES!

After trialling Chris’ blends, we settled on one that comes from his Mount Edna plot. We dusted the bars with a light sprinkling of Murray River salt, keeping with our Australian ethos. The simplicity of this chocolate blend enhances the flavour of our cacao teas, rather than overpower their delicateness.

We are also pleased to let you all know that late last year Chris and Lynn were awarded the highly prestigious Salon Du Chocolat award for the Mount Edna blend, making the it amongst the top 18 chocolates in the world.

Try one for yourself and see what all the hype is about!

Click here to shop

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